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The Ice Dragon: Dragon Knights, Book 3 Page 11

  “Our soon-to-be sister,” Darius added with a grin. “Hot damn, Rol! You do move quickly.”

  Roland swooped his dragon head down to lick her neck with his slender tongue and she squeaked, swatting at him playfully. “When you see what you want, there’s little reason to dither.”

  “Spoken like the tyrant you are.” Connor grunted as they laughed at their brother.

  “Watch your tongue or I’ll have you thrown in the dungeon.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather take her there? It would be much more fun, I’m sure.” Darius winked one sparkling, peridot eye at her outrageously and she had to chuckle even though she didn’t quite understand the joke. She made a mental note to ask Roland later what was so funny about dungeons. From what she knew of Salomar’s icy dungeon, it was no laughing matter at all, but perhaps customs were different here in this land.

  They left Tor to the guardianship of his brothers, but when she expected Roland to lead her out of the large suite, he instead took her to one of the smaller rooms adjoining the dragon’s wallow. The only real design difference in this suite from those of the Northern Lair that Lana could see was that the rooms leading off the wallow here had ornately carved doors that could easily be closed to ensure privacy.

  Roland closed the door with a decisive swish of his tail, taking only a moment before changing to human form, wearing nothing at all. Lana caught her breath at his magnificence. She didn’t think she would ever get used to his beautiful warrior’s body.

  He swept her into his arms and hugged her close. His lips found hers in a hungry kiss that lasted long, long moments while he began tugging at her clothing. When he let her up for air, she was gasping at the intense fire that ignited so quickly between them.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”

  She giggled as his big hands fumbled with the little closures on her tunic and pants. Batting his hands away playfully, she did the job herself, but he wouldn’t let her alone, tugging the tunic over her head even before the last tie was undone.

  He placed nibbling kisses on the skin he exposed, starting with her tummy and working his way up to her breasts, pausing there to soothe the reddened tips with long strokes of his wet tongue. Lana shivered and gasped as he pleasured her, wanting him even more now she knew the bliss he could bring her.

  He pushed the pants down her legs and lifted his head, bracing her with his arms as she stepped out of the tangled puddle of clothing. He scooped her up and placed her in the ornately carved stone pool. It was filled and waiting for them. The water was lukewarm, but as he placed his hand in and winked at her, it heated rapidly.

  “Sometimes it’s good to be a dragon.” His devilish smile teased her as he picked up a tray from a side table and placed it on the wide rim of the stone pool.

  “That’s a nice trick, Roland. Why don’t you come into the water and warm me some more?” She could hardly believe she spoke the daring words, but the leaping flames in his eyes were reward enough for her boldness. She knew he was eager, but was moving slowly for some reason. He sat on the stone ledge and lifted a pot of sweet-smelling herbal salts, dumping them into the water with a small flourish, a soft expression on his hard features.

  “I know after last night, and the long ride this morning, you’ve got to be a little sore.” He added a soothing oil blend to the heated water that instantly calmed her slightly abraded skin. He’d been just a little rough with her the night before, but she’d loved every moment of it. Still, her sore nipples and the lingering ache between her thighs were nothing compared to the fire of her desire. She wanted him. No, she needed him. It was an emotional requirement, a physical ache, that she take him into her body and express the love in her heart in the way he had taught her.

  “I’m not too bad,” she insisted, moving her hand out of the water to rest daringly high up on his thigh. “Come into the water, Roland. I’m well enough for what we both want.”

  “No, my love.” He bent to kiss her sweetly before reaching for another colorful vial on the tray. “This is my time to take care of you.” He poured a small portion of sweet-smelling soap onto the crown of her head and created lather with soothing, circular strokes of his big fingers in her mass of auburn hair.

  “Nobody’s ever washed my hair before you. Well, not since my mother, when I was a little girl. That feels so good.”

  Her eyes closed as he chuckled, urging her to lean back against his hard thigh. She drifted while he stroked through her hair and down farther over her neck and shoulders, relaxing her so thoroughly she started a little when he stopped to rinse out the fragrant herbal soap.

  When her hair was clean and free of suds, he urged her to move forward a bit on the stone ledge carved into the side of the bathing pool. With a small splash, he entered the water behind her, pulling her hips back to settle in the cradle of his. She felt his hardness against her ass, settling into the seam as if he belonged there. The thought warmed her. She was new to love, but she knew without a doubt she wanted Roland beside her, inside her, as often as possible, for the rest of her days. He was part of her now even after so short a time together. It just was. There was no shadow of question in her mind.

  He began to rub her shoulders and down lower with slippery herbal soap, digging into the muscles that needed it as if he knew her body better than she did herself. She chuckled as she realized he probably did. He had mastered her body so easily and so well, it would respond to his lightest whisper of touch.

  “What are you thinking that puts such a dreamy expression on your lovely face?” His words breathed into her ear as she settled back against his muscled chest with a sigh.

  “I was just thinking how good you are at this.”

  “I won’t claim lots of practice. I’ve never wanted to pamper a woman the way I do you.”

  “Why not?” She stretched sinuously against him as he stroked her body.

  He shrugged slightly. “No other woman has ever mattered this much to me before.”

  She snuggled in deeper to him, smiling. “While I don’t enjoy hearing about all the other women you’ve had, I do sense a compliment in there somewhere, so you’re forgiven.”

  He chuckled as he cupped her breasts, going easy on the slightly reddened nipples, rubbing in the soothing herbal compound, making them feel better. In fact, her whole body felt better under his touch. She thought she felt a slight tingle of healing energy as well, but dismissed the thought from her mind as he delved lower, distracting her.

  “I’m of royal blood, sweetheart. Women have been throwing themselves in my path for a long time, and I’ll admit I took them up on their offers more often than I probably should have. But never have I felt about any woman the way I feel about you, and I can promise you this—I’ll never touch another woman as long as we live. Only you, Alania, my love, for the rest of our days.”

  He kissed her shoulder then, slipping his hands down in the warm water, stroking lightly over her tender skin. She wiggled closer to him as he sought her most tender spots.

  “Roland.” His name left her lips on a breathy moan as his fingers slid into the folds at the apex of her thighs. “Roland, please.”

  “Do you want me, my love? Can you take me? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She turned in the water to face him, allowing her legs to float up around his waist as she straddled his hard body.

  “I want you, Roland.” She held his gaze with her own. “I love you.”

  Groaning, he clasped her tightly, bringing his mouth to hers in a passionate, fiery kiss. The water around them steamed as their temperatures rose, the dragon in his soul waking to join once more with its mate.

  “You’re so perfect for me in every way.” He laid her back over one strong arm as his hand delved down into the water, teasing her excitement higher and higher.

  “Please, Roland, don’t make me wait any longer. I need you now.”

  “As my lady wishes.”

  Roland turned her in the water, positioning her
against one of the smoothly carved ledges, her bottom facing him. She looked over her shoulder with a questioning glance, but he stroked her shoulders and moved her body just the way he wanted it. He surged forward in the water, splashing it up over her back, the surface teasing her hanging nipples, and she wiggled to dip them in and out of the warmth of the water.

  After a few moments more of his playful torture, driving her passion higher, he positioned himself at her entrance and pushed slowly but firmly within. She moaned as he slid in halfway, the tenderness of her newly awakened body forgotten in the ecstasy of his possession. He pulled slightly out and then pushed back in again. The slipperiness of the water and her own wetness helped him glide within, taking her fully.

  “How does that feel?” He paused to ask, his hands stroking her back lovingly.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Her breathless cry seemed to spark his passion. He began to move with increasing speed and depth, rocking into her from behind and hitting a spot within her that sent her senses reeling. He possessed her utterly, demanding a response from her writhing body she hadn’t known she could give. She began to stroke back against him, enjoying the coolness of the air on her torso, the warm lap of the water on her breasts and lower, and the incredible fullness of his possession within her core.

  “Come with me, my love, come with me now.”

  His words spurred her on, breaking the wave that had been building until she cried out, keening. Her release went on and on. She felt him burst inside her, his hot essence shooting up into her womb, warming her to the core. When her knees threatened to buckle, his strong arms came around her waist to hold her bottom tight against him while he jerked once more within.

  “Roland!” she gasped as a massive orgasm enveloped her.

  “Lana, my love.” He kissed her ear, biting down gently on the lobe, and sent another wave of pleasure through her as he continued to pump, softer now, inside her.

  He held her for long moments as the pleasure crested, then gradually dissipated. Lana was like no woman he had ever known before. She pulled a response from within his soul, his heart, his very being, and the satisfaction he found with her was greater than anything he had ever dreamed could exist. She was his perfect match, his mate, his queen.

  He drew out of her body slowly, oddly pleased when she protested the loss of his cock with a little whimper. Sitting on the ledge of the stone pool, he tugged her into his arms, locking tight around her. He would never let her go, never give her up. She was his.

  “Damn, Rol. She’s beautiful.”

  Roland looked up to find his brother, Nico, standing in the shadows across the room. This bath chamber was designed with two entrances—one from the wallow and one from the servant’s hall. He knew instinctively which entrance his brother, aptly called the Prince of Spies, had used.

  “She’s mine.”

  Roland knew that simple warning was enough. Nico and he were only a year apart in age and very close friends. They had been partners in mischief as boys and shared many questionable exploits as teens and young warriors. They’d even shared women a time or two more than they probably should have, but then, neither had met a woman who mattered to them more than as just a night of sexual relief.

  Until now.

  “She’s the one, then?” Nico asked, cocking his head at the woman who was still unaware of his presence.

  Roland stroked her hair, settling her back against his shoulder, noting her closed, sleepy eyes and dreamy expression. She was so beautiful.

  “I love her, Nic.” Roland knew Nico understood the importance of that statement. “She’ll be my queen.”

  “So I’d heard.” Nico nodded, a smile in his sparkling eyes. “I just wanted to see for myself.”

  “Did you get a good look?” The teasing in his tone assured Nico knew he wasn’t angry about his spying.

  “More than adequate, my liege,” Nico teased back, and Roland knew there were no hard feelings on either side. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

  “Stay. I’ll introduce you.”

  Nico seemed surprised. “You think she’ll be all right with that? She is naked after all. Most women wouldn’t take kindly to meeting their new brother-in-law for the first time while in the bath after a hard fuck.”

  “I think you’ll be surprised. She’s still new to this, but after a while, I think she’ll be up for anything I might ask of her. I already know for a fact she likes to be watched.” Roland stroked her shoulders, shifting her in his lap. Her eyes opened and he kissed her long and deep.

  “Damn, Rol, she’s a hot one, isn’t she?” Nico whistled through his teeth, deliberately alerting her to his presence.

  Roland pulled back, gauging her reaction. She seemed surprised and a little nervous, but not frightened. He liked that.

  “Sweetheart, this is my brother, Nico.” He watched her closely as he made the introductions. The flaring of her eyes as Nico moved forward to stand near the wide rim of the pool indicated excitement and maybe just a hint of fear. “Nic, this is Lana.”

  Nico took Lana’s hand from the rim of the pool and raised it to his lips, kissing her knuckles with a wicked grin. She shivered as Nico winked. The man was devastatingly handsome in a rakish sort of way, and his eyes, while green, were the deep hazel green of tourmaline rather than Roland’s emerald. Still, the resemblance between the two brothers was easy to see. Both were tall, muscular and had firm features that spoke of strength both of body and of character.

  “The pleasure is all mine. Congratulations, brother.” Nico’s knowing gaze raked over her body, or at least what he could see of it in the sudsy water. “Your mate is lovely and, from all reports, a remarkable woman.”

  “What are they saying about her, Nic?”

  Roland’s lazy question invited his brother to stay and chat. Lana was surprised, but as Roland stroked her under the water, she felt her body heat at the idea of two men watching her reactions. She shocked herself with the realization, much as she had in the Northern Lair when all those knights had been watching them.

  Nico sat negligently on the wide rim of the stone pool, trailing the fingers of one hand lazily through the water. His hand came near, but never quite touched her skin. Still, the idea of it made her nipples stand up at attention.

  “They say she’s a dragon tamer and some claim she’s a wild woman, but others talk of how she stole your heart with her Northland magic. The general consensus is that she’ll keep you on your toes and make you the happiest of men—in the bedchamber and out. Rumors from the north say she’s adventurous sexually.” Lana gasped and Nico winked audaciously at her. “And very responsive to you. I see that part, at least, is truth.”

  Roland stroked his hands possessively over her breasts, cupping them and squeezing, showcasing her excited nipples. The fire within her was rising higher, burning hotter as Prince Nico’s eyes followed every movement.

  “You have no idea, Nic.”

  Roland’s teasing laughter brought her wide eyes up to his. He took a moment to kiss her deeply, turning her in his arms to hug her tight. She rested her head on his shoulder while the men talked. Roland stroked her skin, his hands teasing everywhere as he and his brother discussed travel plans. She dimly heard Nico say he was leaving immediately for the new Border Lair and lands beyond, but Roland’s daring fingers distracted her, plunging deep in her channel as she tried desperately to hold in her gasp.

  She heard Nico chuckle and her eyes opened, her head turning to see fire in the dragon prince’s eyes. The same fire burned in Roland’s eyes and in her own soul.


  Her whispered plea was torn from within as Roland stroked her higher. Nico stood just as Roland shifted her on his lap, bringing his cock right up inside her while his brother watched. The shock of it made her groan as she buried her face in her lover’s corded neck.

  “Fuck her good, Rol,” she heard Nico say in a low voice. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Good hunting, Ni
c.” Roland grunted as he began pistoning in and out of her tight channel. She felt Nico’s gaze linger on them for quite some time before he finally left, but by that time, she was too far gone in her pleasure to really notice.

  Chapter Nine

  “Do I look all right?” Lana smoothed the fine fabric of her dress over her curves, communicating distress in her every nervous twitch.

  “You’re beautiful.” Roland squeezed her close and kissed her forehead gently. “They will love you as much as I do.” He felt her nervousness as she trembled in his embrace. “Are you ready, or do you need a moment?”

  Lana took a deep breath as he stepped back. She squared her shoulders and stared straight ahead at their objective—the ornate archway that led to the throne room. “I’m ready.”

  Roland nodded decisively and ushered her through the large portal. It was large enough for at least two dragons to walk abreast. He was so proud of her as she walked, straight and fearless at his side. She would be a great asset to his country and his people. Her heart, her courage and her sense of honor were deeply ingrained in the lovely, caring woman she was. All of those qualities, and her quick humor and even quicker wit, made him love her. She would be just the kind of wife he needed and the right woman to mother their children. Not to mention the fact he desired her above every other female he had ever known. Making those children would be no hardship. No hardship at all.

  A loud gasp sounded from off to their right and he turned to find a lovely, older woman and a younger female, made in her mother’s image. Both were in tears as they looked at Lana. He followed their gazes to the beauty at his side and saw she was white as a sheet, her gorgeous eyes wide, gasping in shock.

  He rubbed her back. “It’s all right, sweetheart. Breathe, Lana.”

  She hiccupped a bit, smiling up at him for a split second before her gaze went again to the two women who waited just a few yards away. Lana’s spine firmed under his stroking hand and she stepped forward.

  “Are you…?” She faltered, walking slowly toward the younger woman who was moving to meet her. “Are you called Lora?”